Live jazz with a Middle Eastern inspired menu

Jazz club | bar | kitchen

Culture Recovery Funding Support Announced

We’re overwhelmed, ecstatic and extremely grateful, not to mention relieved to have been awarded funding from the Department for Culture, Media & Sport, to support jobs, musicians & suppliers over the coming 6 months. Our heartfelt thanks go to Arts Council England for recognising and validating what we do in awarding the fund, and to Music Venue Trust, who have tirelessly supported us and many others through the application process.

We are so thankful for the support shown by you, our customers, many of who supported our crowdfunding, purchased gift vouchers, donated or credited ticket purchases for events which could not happen, bought T-shirts, watched livestreams & donated or ordered takeaway food. Your testimonials left on social media & beyond have really lifted our spirits, and formed a vital part of our successful bid for support.

Needless to say, Covid19 has presented a huge challenge to everyone, and there are no winners in this situation. We are mindful that there are many organisations and individuals who have not been so fortunate. However, it is important to recognise and be thankful for the positives, and we are fully committed to using these funds to not only survive, but also to improve our cultural offering moving forwards.

You can see more details of the support package in full for organisations accross England, using the hashtag #HereForCulture on social media